As we approach what would have been our 50th reunion and look forward to celebrating 51 next year,
another bit of our legacy is in place. Thanks to the many who contributed, the Navy rowing team has taken delivery on its newest
racing shell. Manufactured this past summer in Germany, the boat was delivered in September and is now in Hubbard Hall. Next
September when we meet, we will have a formal dedication and hopefully it will be of a boat that has already won races! BZ!!!
Jim Schwenk (27th Co) & Bob Miller (10th Co)
The following was received from Coach Bagnall:
Just wanted to send along our best from Hubbard Hall, and send a couple pictures of your Class of 1970 8+. She's not rigged up yet,
and will be bundled up tight until cup season next spring. That said, the name is on there and she looks fast!
Hope all is well, and our continued gratitude for your support of Navy Crew!
Best Regards,
Shawn Bagnall
Head Coach
USNA Men's Lightweight Rowing
Updated: October 14, 2020
Curator: Ed Moore